An interesting storytelling event to lit your evening.

An interesting storytelling event to lit your evening.

Event Description

“Leipung” is a knoll found on roads in localities which is basically referred as a spot of discussion for young and old pondering on matters of local, national and personal interest. It is the Manipuri version of what is known to us as an 'Adda'.

‘Leipung’ is a perfect platform for exploring the art of storytelling in different formats and connecting people through art. Selected performers will be invited to join Octave Foundation productions.

There will be a theme for July which is on ‘FREEDOM’. Your performance piece must be of 5 min as it is the time limitation that you’ll get.

And there are few rules too, which are listed below!

1. You can perform one piece for a maximum of 5 minutes. Your time starts the moment you come to the microphone; any introduction or preamble is part of your time slot.

2. Only solo or duo performances; no groups please. However, number of musicians can be considered with prior information.

3. Work performed can be in any of the languages used in the National Capital Region.

4. When the moderator tells you your time is up, please leave the microphone immediately.

5. Genres: No restriction. Fiction, folktales, autobiography, it’s all good. Different formats: Narration, theatrical performance, mime, magic, poetry, stand-up comedy, music, etc are perfectly fine, basically all forms!

6. Prohibited: Foul language, explicit sexual imagery, slander, anything that flouts the laws of India.

7. No nudity. Yes, you can use costumes and make-up if you like.

8. There will be up to 15 slots of up to 5 minutes each.

9. To get a slot, simply e-mail the moderator at with a video recording of 5 mins or with the script.

10. Please show the text of what you plan to perform to the moderator, and/or describe your performance. This is not about censorship; it is to guard against infringement of the rules.

Registration mandatory only for performers.

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